Korean language school

The Korean Language and Culture Program at the University of Seoul

  • 홈
  • Program
  • Online Courses

Online Courses

We offer evening online Korean language courses tailored for foreigners residing in Korea who are unable to participate in the regular courses, or for foreigners who reside outside of Korea. Our online courses are taught via Zoom so that students experience real-time interactive video classes.

Course period 10 weeks (2024.9.02.~2024.11.15.)
Class hours 3 days a week (Monday/Tuesday/Thursday),
19:00~20:50 Korean Standard Time (Total 60 hours)
Number of students per class 5~15 people
Levels Beginners(level 1, 2)
Intermediate (level 3, 4)

Schedule for 2024

Course period 2024.9.2 ~ 2024.11.15
Registration period 2024.7.1.(Monday)~2024.7.19(Friday)
Level test(Online) 2024.08.26.(Monday)

This course does not sponsor or provide a visa to stay in Korea.

Curriculum and Objectives of Each Level

Level Description
Level 1

Students will be able to accurately pronounce Hangeul and carry out basic communication.

Topics: Greetings and introducing themselves, Ordering food, Daily life, Time and date, Weather and life, etc.

Level 2

Students will be able to talk about familiar topics that are often dealt with in daily life.

Topics: Family, Travel, Hobbies, Life in Korea, etc.

Level 3

Students will be able to develop the skills to use various tones and degrees of formality in Korean language for different situations.

Topics: Planning holidays, Job interviews, Requesting repairs, etc.

Level 4

Students will learn the language skills needed to maintain social relationships and perform general tasks.

Topics: Personality, Workplace, Dreams and reality, Mistakes and regrets, etc